Sunday, March 24, 2019

Microsoft Access Online

Access Cloud Based Database Solutions

Microsoft Access Online
Microsoft Azure will allow us to host your data in the cloud with Microsoft. This data can then be accessed from a custom built or existing Access database. It allows our database to access data from any location and allows us to create Cloud based solutions with Microsoft Access Online.

Existing Access Databases

If you have an existing Microsoft Access database, then we can take the backend database (We can split and create a backend if your database doesn’t have one), and port that database to Azure. Then we can add some code to point your front end database to Azure. Everything will remain the same except now your data is accessible from any location and stored in the cloud for everyone to access.

Web Apps Linked to your Databases

Microsoft Access Online
Oftenyou may want to gather data from your clients, suppliers and people of interest who do not have Access to your database application. Using Azure we can create hosted web apps that will run on any device through their web browser, gather data from the web page and store it in your Azure database. You will then have instance access to that data through your Database application.

Is an Access/Azure Databases Right for you?

We actually create other database solutions with and without Azure using Visual Studio. The fact though that your database in Azure is actually a SQL Server database and that it is cloud based means that some of the limitations on Access in the past are no longer relevant. It also means that we can create very cost effective solutions, which in the past was not possible for web/cloud based applications. We also develop solutions in a number of other environments and can give you advice on the right solution for you:
·         ASP/SQL Server Azure Based Application
· or C#.NET+ SQL Server Application
·         ASP.NETWeb Application
·         Client/Server Access Applications
·         Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Access Online

Access/Azure Requirements

·         Windows PC/Tablet.
·         Microsoft Access or the free Access runtime installed on each device.
·         The free Azure driver installed.
·         An Internet connection.
·         An Azure subscription (We can also host and maintain your Azure Database for you).

Help Designing a Custom Database Solution

Office Experts Group has developers that can work in all areas of Microsoft Database development. If you need help designing or determine what is best for your organisation, then our experienced database programmers can help analyse and develop a solution that suits your organisation’s requirements.

Call us today or contact us at and an experienced consultant will help you out.